Friday, June 26, 2015

Blogs was very terrible. I did not like it. it was not easy to figure out it. i do not have a lot of thing to say about the blog.  the most difficult thing about blog is when i choose my topic.

Friday, June 19, 2015


Ramadan is a holy month for the muslims. It is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is very spatial month for the muslims because it is the fasting month. Muslims can not eat, drink, and do any kind  of taboo from the sunrise to the sunset. Also, for the month of Ramadan, especially in the heritage and history of Muslims stature ; because they believe that the revelation began and the first thing that came down from the Quran to the Prophet Mohammed bin Abdullah was in the night of Alkater of this month in the year 610 AD.

My thought for food inc

The food inc was very ugly. I did not think it is very bad like that. The first though come to my head i do not want to eat from any restaurant on U.S.A. That what we sow on the movie is taboo on my realign. We can not feed people like this kind of animals. i can not even think they did that for any kind of animal specially that we eat. i am not a fan of the fast food. i can not eat with out a bad stomachache. I think the government on U.S. has to do something for the food inc. The problem is people here pay a lot of taxes to have good quality of service. G.C.C government gave people high  quality of service with any kind of taxes. G.C.C government made even the big companies follow the high quality like McDonnell, K.F.C, and more. I did not know that the corn in every thing. It was big surprise for me. I did not though the human is very cheap like that in U.S.. Also food  has been created before the human been and never engineered since that time. I thank we should stop playing with our food. People were not hungry like this time.  A lot of children dead in India and Africa from our mistakes. Food inc is not Just very bad for the human. it is very bad for the interior environment.
I hope that every thing going to change, i do not want my children to every thing made of corn.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

3D Printer / Entry #4

    A lot of people think the 3D printer is only a toy. They do not see the useful of this new technology. Do you know that you can print a full car from some kind of 3D printer. China use this new technology to build real houses. Swiss land already printed some kind of chocolate. Some scientists has already succeed printing some parts of the human body from the DNA. Even NASA used 3D printer to print a moon houses.  

What is going to happen on near future? entry#3

          I think this video is great example of what we are right new, but on the advance way. We are using our phones like the way we sow on the video. Mostly we eat a lot of fast food like we sow on the video. On my opinion we should record our self for a week to if we are look like people who were in this video or not.
      This video  describe what we should open our eyes too. The new technology is going to make people lazier. new technology with fast food destroy the person health, shape, and smartness.
      I sow some points I like to describe. the first one is when the fat guy fall out from his cheer, he can not even  stand to return to his cheer, also no one help him to stand. is the future full of unuseful people?. the other point i like to sheer, I did not see any other kind of live but people. Do you think our future there is any other kind of live?. for these two point i have no answer. i suggest you to see the video below and give me your thoughts.       

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Abu Dhabi's new police car

United Arab Emirates always surprise the world from there new ideas. Dubai has the fastest police cars in the world like Bugatti Veyron, a Ferrari FF, BMW i8, and much more of the supercars. Also Abu Dhabi has the luxurious police cars in the world like Rolls-Royce Phantom. Abu Dhabi has new hyper-sport car called Lykan from W motors. It is super car cost more than $3.4 million. It is very fast car. Lykan can hits 60 mph in 2.8 seconds flat also it has a top speed pf 240 mph. U.A.E always has something special.

                Dubai supercars
 the luxurious police car Abu Dhubi

new Lykan car for Abu Dhabi police  

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Entry #1 . My Opinions


I like the blog page, because the blog contains topics that teaches me new things i did not know about. One of these topics is "10 Tricks to Make Yourself a WhatsApp Master". Whatsapp is widely used in Saudi Arabia, therefore knowing tricks of how to use it effectively would save me alot of time. I think this blog site can help many people to treat their own conditions in many different areas and ways of life. , this blog talks about news from all over the world. It has a lot of viewers. According to the Huffington Post has hundred and ten million views per year. I am against some of the posts the Huffingtonpost posts, because it goes against my religious beliefs and morals.

Finally, the most famous teen blog , which talks about celebrities. TMZ stands for thirty-mile zone. TMZ once blogged about an assault, which a famous celebrity named Kanye West, attack a teenage boy The TMZ blog has a lot of articles but most do not attract me towards, because TMZ is more about exposing celebrities which i do not care about.

Monday, June 1, 2015

My name is Omar Alhazmi. I do not have a lot  of thing makes me deferent from people my age. I have only 22 years old. I am from small town in Saudi Arabia. It is called Turaif. I do not have a lot of interest. I just like to hangout with my friends. I have the coolest friend on GCC like Saleh, Dakheel ,Ziad, Abdul, and Mohammad. I love to travel to see the world as it is. My favorite hobbies are drifting, photographing, and hunting. I am not a bull person. i do not like any bull games. I plan to apply for University of Rhode Island. It one of the bast university on the world. I will study over there Mechanical, Industrial & Systems Engineering for all the high education. GCC for me only a station to achieve my goals. It was greet station because I met a lot of wonderful people. i hope you all enjoy reading my blog.