Wednesday, June 10, 2015

3D Printer / Entry #4

    A lot of people think the 3D printer is only a toy. They do not see the useful of this new technology. Do you know that you can print a full car from some kind of 3D printer. China use this new technology to build real houses. Swiss land already printed some kind of chocolate. Some scientists has already succeed printing some parts of the human body from the DNA. Even NASA used 3D printer to print a moon houses.  

1 comment:

  1. Omar--You have good topics and interesting points in your entries. You have some good visual appeal and a bit of connection to your audience. However, you are very brief. You need to develop the point and support section of your entries. Analyze more deeply. You also need to lead your reader into the topic and then leave them with a final thought or a way to close the entry.
